Thursday 19 May 2016

Unity call echoes at KNF Rising Day

Universal News Agency

Kangpokpi, May 18: The Kuki National Front (KNF), the mother organization of the Kuki UGs observed its 29th Rising Day at Ngahmun in Sadar Hills today.

Twenty nine years back on May 18 in the year 1987, KNF was founded at Molnoi village in Myanmar to become the oldest and mother organization of the Kuki militant groups not only in Manipur but the entire North East India while the year 1988 commemorated the first anniversary or Rising Day of the outfit.

Founded by Late Nehlun Kipgen, who allegedly died a martyr’s death in the hands of security forces on October 12, 1993, the Kuki National Front also becomes the birth of the Kuki armed movement allegedly due to non-cognigence of the Kukis demand for a separate homeland through petition in the mid sixties by the Kuki National Assembly.

Later, in 2008 the Kuki National Front came into tripartite agreement, i.e. Suspension of Operation (SoO) under the umbrella of United People’s Front (UPF) with the state Government and the Government of India on August 22, 2008.

Thousand gathered this morning along with the top brass leaders of the Kuki National Front and other Kuki UGs leaders with various civil society organizations including Kuki Inpi Manipur, Thadou Inpi-GHQ to commemorate the 29th Rising Day of the outfit at Ngahmun in Sadar Hills.

Remarkably, the factional groups of the KNF, viz. KNF-MC, KNF-Zougam and KNF-Samuel also took part in the occasion while having a traditional presentation to its mother organization president.

Apart from the out factional groups, UKLF Chairman, S.S. Haokip, who is also the vice Chairman of United People’s Front (UPF) attended the rising day observation.

KNF supremo ST. Thangboi leads the flag hoisting ceremony which was followed by singing of the outfit anthem while the outfit Defense Secretary, Lala Kipgen leads the condolence service in remembrance and respect of fallen comrades of the outfit.

In his presidential speech, S.T. Thangboi, President KNF, resonate the importance of unity among Kukis and called for re-unification of the Kuki armed groups to accomplished the long cherish dream of the Kukis.

He said that arm is rather an unsafe component which could disorganize the unity of the Kukis and it is not the key and solution for unity among the Kuki brethrens.

After deep analyzing I established, continued ST. Thangboi that recognition and strengthening of its own tribe by the various Kuki tribes is important when it comes to unity of the Kukis and it is the only key and solution for unity while adding that disunity has thus far destabilized the society.

The outfit supremo also adoring plea to all the revolutionary groups and factions of the Kuki society to work in unity and welcome all like-minded and patriotic individuals, groups and factions to share the burden of the struggle collectively.

Recalling the history of Kuki political movement, KNF General Secretary, Aaron Kuki said that following the formation of Kuki Chief’s Association in the year 1935 much before the Independence of the biggest republican country India, a social organization christened Kuki National Assembly was formed under the leadership of Javum Misao and T. Kipgen in 1946.

He continued that the Kuki National Assembly had in 1960 submitted the first memorandum on behalf of all the Kukis to the first Prime Minister of India, Jawaharlal Nehru asking for a separate administration for the Kukis.

He further said that it [the KNA memorandum in 1960] was the landmark in the political movement of the Kukis for separate administration.

Aaron Kuki also said, it is important to noted the famous ‘Kuki Rebellion’ 1917-19, prior to the 1935 which is already in the British archive and history while adding that the ‘Thingkho le Malcha’ – a combination of smoldering firewood binding together with king-sized red chilies, which was a medium of communication and declaration of war against the aggressing colonialists- is found in the Oxford Museum in London.

Highlighting some of the important events and achievements of the Kuki National Front, Aaron Kuki said that from the late 1980s onwards the Kukis aspiration for a separate political administration has been rejuvenated with the demand for a Kuki homeland, i.e. Kukiland spearheaded by the Kuki National Front.

While the main objective of the KNF to re-awaken and organize the people in support and wage an armed struggle for the attainment of Kuki State, i.e. Kukiland within the Indian Union under the constitution of India still remain the same reiterated the 1960 memorandum of KNA with countless number of memorandum submitted to Indian Union till today, he added.

He also recalled that after Kuki UGs under the umbrella of UPF and KNO entered into a tripartite agreement with the India Union in 2008, KNF was provided a designated camp called Ebenezer which the then Union Home Minister GK. Pillai had visited in 2010 and it [Camp Ebenezer] was inaugurated by D.S. Poonia, IAS, the then Chief Secretary of Manipur in September, 2010.

“This is the blessing of the Almighty and we remember that till today God has been with the Kuki people during the armed movement with Kuki National Front”, Aaron added.

He also said that during the SoO agreement with the Indian Union, well acclaimed International human rights called Geneva Call invited the Kuki National Front to Geneva in 2015 address their interest to give equal opportunity to our women cadres and also wants all cadres and leaders of KNF to respect the International Human Rights.

Considering the request of Geneva Call and the importance of human rights in our armed movement, the Kuki National Front signed ‘Sexual Equality’, a deed of agreement with Geneva Call in 2015, he added.

At the same time, Aaron Kuki further said that the Geneva Call on learning the presence of minor soldiers who sacrifice themselves for the armed movement within our organization would like to protect, provides equal rights, education and the basic needs to these soldiers.

Therefore, we are in a position to sign another agreement with Geneva Call this year, he further said.

UKLF Chairman, S.S. Haokip, who is also the Vice Chairman of UPF also spoke on the occasion and motivated the spirit of re-unification of all Kuki UGs while pleading the militant outfit and the general public to maintain cordial relation and unity.

Kuki Inpi Manipur President, Thangkhosei Haokip, ADC Sadar Hills Chairman, Haokholal Hangshing also spoke on the occasion.

Home Secretary, KNF offer a blessing and thanksgiving alter while Rev. Th. Kipgen, Chaplain, Camp Ebenezer Natheljang administered the blessing ceremony.

Various prominent Gospel artistes and pop singer enthralled the crowd with melodious voice while presentation of red shawl to all Kuki chiefs who attended the rising day as marked of respect and blessing prayer for unity of the Kukis marked the occasion.

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KA Gospel Column


TUNI LHAGAO ANPHAA (Thursday, 02/06/2016) -------------------------- Galatia 5:25 "Eiho Lhagaova hinga ihiule lhagao in ...

3 Bills ziak ah Kuki leh Naga ding khawm leu hin, i demand uh i mu thei diam uh?