Tuesday 31 May 2016


Lamka, 31st May, 2016

1. Where third division pass enters Underground and rules upon 2nd division pass Who Run Government.  Where 2nd division pass pointed their fingers upon 1st class holder and where Bureaucrat shows their power to the common man.

2. Where Minister son/daughter buy luxury and expensive car but no road to ride.

3. Where MLAs buy peoples VOTE during election and peoples buy Government jobs to MLAs during Government jobs requirement.

4. Where every community fight for theirs freedom and organized Arms struggle for No More lands.

5. Where Government teachers are more than Government schools students and where school are more than village.

6. Where 4G internet introduced when peoples are searching for Network.


7. Where UGs were more than MANIPUR  tribes recognizes.

8. Where uneducated teachers teach Government schools and Educated teachers teach private schools.

9. Where Government servants do their private jobs and civil society do Government jobs.

10. Where Bands is more than Government holidays and festivals.

11. Where UGs power is more powerful than Government order.

12. Annual rate of Gun death and accident death is more than death in epidemic

13. JACs against someone is more than social organisation.


14. Where UGs leaders wealth/property were more than Government officers.

15. Where village CHIEF is more than village Chief in Jobs cards registration.

16. Where straws is difficult to find than BA and MA.

17. Where civil service and Government Dr do their duty at home regularly than their Government  allotted office.

18. Where death is popular than victory in news paper.

19. Where news paper advertisement page is more than news items.

20.  Where money power is more powerful than intellectual power.

By : Kyaikhongsai009@yahoo.com

Note:  Grammar dihlou spelling dihlou tampi aume, hinlah ajihpan ajih dungjui chetna hung kipost ahi maije.

⚫ Khochungte Awgin

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