Tuesday 18 April 2017

Myanmar News: Heavy isolated rainfall from Cyclone Maarutha still expected

PC: Mizzima
Nay Pyi Taw: Cyclone Maarutha weakened yesterday morning, but heavy isolated rainfall is expected over some regions and states today, state media reported quoting the Meteorology and Hydrology Department.

Rain or thundershowers will be fairly widespread in Nay Pyi Taw, Mandalay, Magway and Taninthayi regions, and Shan, Kayah, Kayin and Mon states. Rain will be scattered in Lower Sagaing and Yangon Regions, Chin and Rakhine States and isolated in the remaining regions and states with isolated heavy rainfall in Nay Pyi Taw, Taninthayi Region, Kayin and Mon states. The degree of certainty for the weather predictions is 80 per cent, according to the weather bureau.

Occasional squalls with rough seas will be experienced in the Ayeyawady Delta, the Gulf of Mottama and along the Mon-Taninthayi Coasts. Surface wind speed in squalls may reach 40 mph.  Seas will be moderate elsewhere in Myanmar, the report said.

Source: Mizzima

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TUNI LHAGAO ANPHAA (Thursday, 02/06/2016) -------------------------- Galatia 5:25 "Eiho Lhagaova hinga ihiule lhagao in ...

3 Bills ziak ah Kuki leh Naga ding khawm leu hin, i demand uh i mu thei diam uh?