(wed.march 16):
With the defection of Gen.Kohli to NSCN-IM, there was uncrrtain speculation of " Apao designated Camp " even some local dailies carried news of probable defection
"Apao Camp " to NSCN-IM.
Amidst speculation and curiosity the camp commander of " Apao designated Camp" issued clarification that The Apao Camp is still intact with GPRN/NSCN.
Camp Commander of Apao Designated Camp, Brigadier Shahwa Konyak on Tuesday issued a clarification that the designated camp is “still intact with GPRN/NSCN and will always remain under the leadership of Gen. Neokpao, president and N Kitovi Zhimomi, general secretary.
According to a GPRN/NSCN MIP statement, Brigadier Konyak conveyed that his purported March 15 statement claiming that Apao Designated Camp and its residents supported Gen Kholi Konyak, which appeared in the local dailies
“was purely fictitious and self acclaimed statement of some opportunist.”
Colonel Longba, deputy commander of Apao Designated Camp on being contact said that
“Apao camp was established by Kehoi-GPRN/NSCN and would continue to remain so.”
(wed.march 16):
With the defection of Gen.Kohli to NSCN-IM, there was uncrrtain speculation of " Apao designated Camp " even some local dailies carried news of probable defection
"Apao Camp " to NSCN-IM.
Amidst speculation and curiosity the camp commander of " Apao designated Camp" issued clarification that The Apao Camp is still intact with GPRN/NSCN.
Camp Commander of Apao Designated Camp, Brigadier Shahwa Konyak on Tuesday issued a clarification that the designated camp is “still intact with GPRN/NSCN and will always remain under the leadership of Gen. Neokpao, president and N Kitovi Zhimomi, general secretary.
According to a GPRN/NSCN MIP statement, Brigadier Konyak conveyed that his purported March 15 statement claiming that Apao Designated Camp and its residents supported Gen Kholi Konyak, which appeared in the local dailies
“was purely fictitious and self acclaimed statement of some opportunist.”
Colonel Longba, deputy commander of Apao Designated Camp on being contact said that
“Apao camp was established by Kehoi-GPRN/NSCN and would continue to remain so.”