Friday 15 July 2016


@ An article by Mr. Augustus Haokip, Chennai.

The Trending Business Slogan, "Be Indian, Buy Indian," can also be applied in the Kuki Society and Other Tribes from NE in Chennai.

This slogan is initiated by some right thinking people in our country to save the dwindling economic situations. Hundreds of manufacturing companies and industries in India remained shut-down or closed-down. Hardly anyone will disagree with if we say that the current economic situations in India is still in a bad shape. The fall of Indian rupee have not been receding for along time. On other hand, the value of US dollar is rising, sometimes, day by day. I heard someone said like this, there was a time when the exchange rate of one USD was only Rs. 5/- That was not a big difference. There could be many reasons, but these 3 are the primary reasons that ills the Indian economics;
• Influx of foreign products imported into the country. 
• changing lifestyles in India.
• Most Indian products are found to be of bad quality, resulting in people prefers to buy foreign products....

As of today, the exchange rate of one US dollar is Rs. 67.17, and it is keep changing almost every alternate day. It simply means that a westerner or an American for that matter is 66 times richer than that of any Indian citizen. The exchange rate of Indian currency ten rupees is Rs.16 in Nepal. The rise and fall of any country's currency is depending on its economic condition.

Now without saying anything more on Indian economics, let's come to the point, how to apply "Be Indian, buy Indian," amongst the Kukis and other tribes from NE residing in Chennai? I think the same can be applied in this way, "Being a Kuki/Tribal, Sell or Buy from the Kukis." Let's suppose that there are 2,600+ Kuki peoples who include: Thadou, Paite, Gangte, Vaiphei, Zou, Simte, Samte, Kom, Guite, Mate, etc...etc. (the given figures includes other tribes from NE residing in Chennai). Any smart thinker or any potential entrepreneur will come up with an action plans that these tribes or people groups are people of a distinct cultures from that of the original inhabitants, the Tamilians and others. The population of these tribes put together is considerably huge enough to start a small business amongst them. 

Now, you may be aware that there have been paradigm shifts in this article. Now the focus is, "Being a Kuki/ Tribal, Sell or Buy from the Kukis." The need of the hour is a paradigm shift in our thinking and that every single rupee we had earned and spent or yet to be spent is important. It is important because it is our money. We earned with toils and sweats. We are to spend it wisely and meet our daily needs, somehow. Couldn't it have been better idea if a fraction of the money we had spent goes for the benefit of any of our own people? We often heard people talk about unity in diversity. It sounds good, but actually it is phony and obscure. According to my understanding there various stages in developing a strategic nature of unity amongst the peoples of a particular race or ethnic groups of people and other groups of people around... 
1. Unity must be first seen in each and every family.
2. Then, unity within a family or families must be extended to their own people groups/tribes belonging to the same race living in a particular locality called- neighborhood. It can be called--neighborhood unity and cooperation. 
3. Then, that neighborhood unity of various tribes belonging to the same race must be further extended to all tribes or ethnic groups belonging to the same race living in every nook and corner of a town or city. This type of developing unity can be called--society or community.
4. Then, unity within a well-organized society of various tribes belonging to the same race must go beyond.....entry into the cultural land of various other tribes or ethnic groups of people, belonging to the same state or region to bring unity and cooperation amongst the tribals. This type of unity can be given region name, like, North-east Tribal Union (NETU).

In one of the previous paragraphs, I have clearly states the primary reasons that make Indian economics in a crisis. Now I would like to say something more to supplement that. Every day, crores and crores of Indian money are drained off by foreign companies. For example, soft drinks like, Pepsi and Coca-Cola are produced by US companies in India. These companies spent minimum cost to produce their products, but one bottle of Pepsi/Coca--Cola is sold in 80-90% profit. For instance, if a company spent Rs. 1/- to produce one bottle Pepsi/Coca-Cola (let's say 300 ml.), they sold it in Rs.10-15. Now you can imagine the profit percent. The much talk about or media hyped 'Make in India,' an initiative launched by Prime-minister Narendra Modi's government is nothing else, but encouraging foreign companies to manufacture their products in Indian soil. If the government is succeeded in luring any foreign investors or companies it would be through foreign direct investment (FDI) policy, and so one can easily predict its negative impact on Indian economy and manufacturing companies as whole. Not only that many of the existing companies and industries in India will be acquired by foreign companies.

Recently, I came across a commercial advertisement posted on Facebook and WhatsApp groups. It was posted by none other than some of our brothers (the Kukis) from Delhi, who had started Call Taxi Business/Service in Delhi and NCR. I was excited to see it, but I was a bit surprised, because, to me, to start such business requires a lot of study, expertise, experiments, master-plan, survey, budget-- called investment or capital, mental work so on and on..., but they had proven that if other people can 'why not we?' That was not the first time I have seen such advertisements from brothers and sisters residing in other parts of the country. Many times I have seen and heard similar advertisements by the Kuki people in Bangalore, Guwahati, Mumbai and even in Pune. I wish if any of the Kuki people in Chennai too start his/her own business here. Whether it is small, micro-enterprise or part times one's own business. No doubt, many of us are capable to do so, but we didn't do it. Presumably, the problem with those potential of becoming self-fulfilling or achieving men or women amongst us must be having something in common. That is lack of self-confidence, fear of failure, lack of will power, lack of guidance, fear of criticism, or lack of resources to do it.  If that is the obstacles we faced whenever anyone of us thinks about a better future plan or how to become financially strong and self-reliant? I think that is not a big deal. I said so, (it’s not a big deal), and because I too was in similar situations when I plan to start a Short-term Bible Training course and a Primary School in a Cross-cultural context. By the way, it was not an easy thing to do. But, I made it happen. Established a Short Term Bible Training program, 2 schools and 2 churches in places where I didn't know anyone before.

Unlike, people in the northern parts of India called "Hindi heart-land" and some other parts of the country, where NE peoples are branded Chinky or Chapta (chapta is a Hindi word and which means, having a flat nose) and look down upon their physical features and ridicules, the Tamilians are well cultured, honest, and here in Chennai racism or any type of discrimination and anti-social elements are very rare to be found. Women too are highly respected here and safe to travel alone during the night. I have a good words for that in Hindi, "Jaisa Bhi ho Dilwala Hai," meaning, the people of Tamiliandu-- whatever they are, they have a big heart. 

Compare to other metro-cities, Chennai is not only safe but also it's conducive environment provides a wider scope of job opportunities and safer to start any type of self-sustaining business. I have asked many people in other cities and learnt that there is a huge difference between two things-- the house rent and the price of one kilo. rice. We the north-east people love rice. Rice is the staple food in Manipur and NE as whole. Here in Chennai, we are very lucky to get 1 kg. Rice @ Rs. 5/6 from our neighbors. Also the house rent we are paying here is considerably less than people in other parts of the cities did paid. Not only that there are a number of essential commodies we are paying as cheap as we can, like, Amma water etc. If you eat in one of the Amma Canteen, you pay only Rs.6/- but you eat as much you can and you will also get Amma water to drink.

(to be contd...)

In the next pages we will be discussing about how to start a small business within the context of the Kukis/ tribals and how we can help support some of us in promoting and doing so....

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KA Gospel Column


TUNI LHAGAO ANPHAA (Thursday, 02/06/2016) -------------------------- Galatia 5:25 "Eiho Lhagaova hinga ihiule lhagao in ...

3 Bills ziak ah Kuki leh Naga ding khawm leu hin, i demand uh i mu thei diam uh?