Monday 31 August 2015



So far residences of 5-,MLA/Minister residence were set on fire in Ccpur.
   Irate mob lay their angered in flame on  Legislative Members.
Public set on fire the residence of the following legislative members in Ccpur.


MLA T Manga Quarters, IB Road, Churchandpur, KUKILAND




(Right now, public gathered near the residence of MLA TN HAOKIP). Police clash with crowd who come for arson

Sunday 30 August 2015

KSO, ANSAM & ATSUM Call Tomorrow 12 hour's Strike

The All Tribals Students'Union Manipur(Both ATSUM),All Naga Students Association Manipur and Kuki Students Organisation Ghqs call 12 hour bandh in all the hill districts of Manipur from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. on 31st August,2015 due to resentment against the three bills introduced in the special session of the Manipur Assembly on 28th August,2015 in the Manipur Assembly :
1.The Protection of Manipur People (PMP) Bill 2015
2. The Manipur Land Revenue and Land Reforms (7th Amendment) Bill 2015
3.Manipur Shops and Establishments Bill (2nd Amendment) Bill 2015

Saturday 29 August 2015

AFTER JOUMOL (in India) ITS TUIKHIENG (in Myanmar).

EM: Mud slide wipe away Tuikhieng village in Myanmar this morning. The great mud slide wipe away almost all the 70households of Tuikhieng vlge  inside Myanmar. It was possibly caused by the heavy rainfall during  the past few days in Myanmar. The incident occurred at around 3am of this morning at tuikhing vilge in Tahan region of Myanmar. it was not so much severe till 6am,however from about 7am the intensity of the mud slide increase and almost all the entire vlge were wiped away by 8am 

Sources said that over 20 person have been dead or missing.

JOUMUAL khua kigen mang nailo ah a khua pumpi ah buan in a tawlkhum thu hiat a hi kit tai. Aw Pathian...bang ti a tam??
Tu zing dak 3 vel ah kipat khan Tuikhing Khua, chu a khua sak uh tang ah kipat buanthuak hung luang chun a luankhum a. A hia masaten khua a sam ua ki thial dawk dinga a ki sap nung un, a thei dan dan in a ki tawk dawk ua, himaleh thil tamtak chu a tang den ta a hi. Zingkal dak 6 vela chanchin ki hiat dan a chun a nasa bekset pua, dak 7 a hung git tak a chun chu a khua pum piu tidi hi mai (In 70 vel khua a hia) buanthuak chun a luankhum ta a hi. Dak 8 vel ah kipat khan kuama kihopi thei a um ta puau. Tu mai a khan Changelzawl lam ah kipat thu ki dawn dan chun mi 20 vel athi tau ti thu hiat a hia, bangzat hem a thi tâk uh, bangzat chu buan laka tang den nalai ti hiat a la hi nai puai. Hukdamna nasep ziang le bangti chiapi ding ahem ti ziang le hiat a la hi nai puai. A khuau ah va chia lut theina ding lampi le um ta lo a hia, lampi di a hawl zing lai uh ahi. Pauchap piak hitiu aw??.

A mun chet hi Chin State sung, Myanmar, Tahan ah kipat mar (North) lam Letpanchaung leh Tuingo khel deu mal lam mel 10 vela gamla ah um Tuikhingjâng khua chu ahi. A khua galuh lui kamah a ki chawn dawk ua, Phulmawi ah kipat a le va chia lut thei a hi puai. Hukdawkna nasep hile helicopter angai mel hi. In 70 vel a tawl sia ta, mihing tam tak le a chil tha vek hitading in le thu dawn a hi.

Brief translation. 
Tujingkah pung3 vel chun Tuikhing khuo chu khonah Lang apat buonlhoh hung luong chun aluonkhum tai. Ahemasa te chun khuo asam un,  ahithei dan2 in aki huhdoh uve.  Jingkah pung 6 vel chan chun anasa naipon pung 7 alhin phat chun vang akho pumpiu  (in70vel) chu buon in aluonkhum tai. Pung 8 vel apat koima kihoumatpi thei aum tapoi.

Changelzawl apat thu kija dan in mi 20 vel athi tauve ti het ahitai. Ijat kisukha a ijat buon lah a ohden ham ti het ahinaipoi. Huhdoh na natoh ding jong iti chepi/boipi ding ham ti het ahinaipoi. 
Akhuo u chelut nading lampi jong umtalou ahi. Taopeh ute o???  [Amun hi Myanmar a Chin state sung,  Tahan sahlam Letpanchuang leh Tuingo khel jep mile10 vel a gamma Tuikhingjang kho chu ahi. 
Huhdohna natoh hi helicopter ngai ding ahi.

Aug. 28th : Tahan a inthawka hmar (north) tieng Letpanchaung le Tuingo khel hmar tieng mel 10 vela hla Tuikhing khuo chu vawituk zing dar 3:00am vela inthawk khan tlanga inthawka chirtui hung luongin a chim ţana, zing dar 7:00 vel ka chun a khawpumin a chim titi tah a nih. An khuo khela vadung kamah an insawn dawk tawla, Phulmawi a inthawk khawmin in fepaw thei a ni tanaw a, sansuok ding khawmin helicopter a ţul ding anih. In 70 vel a chîm sie ta a, mihriem khawm iemanizat a chim sa bawk nia thu dawng a nih.
Vawituk zing dar 3am vel a inthawk khan Tuikhin Khuo hi an khaw saka tlanga inthawka CHIR hungluong hin an khuo hi a chîm ţana. Tlangisamin insaseng dingin an khek a, a thei dan dana an insaseng sunghin tam tak chu anin tang hman tah. Zing dar 6 vela chanchin ka dawng dan chun a la nasa taluo naw a, dar 7am a hungin ri meu chun a khawphekin a chim deu thaw (In 70 vel khuo an nih) an tah. Dar 8pm vela inthawk ta khan tukhawm biekpaw thei anni tanawh. Nakie deu 1:30pm khan Changelzawl tienga inthawka thu ka dawng nawk dan chun mi 20 vel an thi ti hriet a ni a, iengzat char am an thi a, iengzam an lan tang ti hriet a la ni nawh. Sansuok danding khawm iengtina thaw dim ti khawm hriet a la ni nawh. An khuo fepaw thei dan ding zawng mek a nih. Ţawngtaipui cho anel ei theitawk chu.
N/B Kalemyo phaizawl a inthawk km 25 velah Changel zawl hi a um. Tahan a inthawk a mile 10 vel Hmar tienga mizo/Chin khuo a ni a, Letpanchaung, Tuingo khuo, fe thlengin Phulmawi khuo khela um anih.
(What's app a ka dawng, Lusei ţawnga mi ka hungin let anih.. Dar 11am khan Global Chin Relief Organization (GCR O) hai hotutak #Joseph_Ls, Canada ka zuk hril nghal)


Ostensibly the Inner Line Permit System is to control the influx of outsiders into Manipur. But see the fine print and read between the lines.  The Bills introduced in the Manipur Assembly in response to the demand of the Joint Committee on Inner Line Permit System (JCILPS) makes it becomes crystal clear. ILPS is apparently about outsiders but the hidden agenda is that it is against the native tribal populace of the State. Why? Outsiders are never really a threat, because they cannot own land anyways in the valley area, and never competitors in the government job market. The tribal people can own land in the valley area and are therefore a threat and a nuisance to the valley people. Moreover, the valley people want to grab the land of the tribals in the hill areas.

Let us see the Protection of Manipur People Bill, 2015. Clause 2 (b) of the Bill defines “Manipur People” as “Persons of Manipur whose names are in the National Register of Citizens, 1951, Census Report 1951 and Village Directory of 1951 and their descendants who have contributed collective social, cultural and economic life of Manipur”. This definition of Manipur People has so many implications. In the first place, to be considered as Manipur people, you or your forefathers will have to be registered in three registers, (i) National Register of Citizens, 1951; (ii) Census Report 1951 and (iii) Village Directory of 1951. Notice the use of the word “and”. This means that even if you or your forefathers had been registered in any one or any two of the above-mentioned registers/directory, you will not be considered as Manipur person. You have to fulfil all three criteria. Do you even know whether yours or your father’s or grandfather’s names have been included in these Registers/Directory. Many people will be left out because at that time the government machinery would not have reached every nook and corner of the State, especially the hill areas as they are cut off from the valley areas and most of the villages are non-motor able at that time.  

Why 1951? Why not 1971 or 1981? Manipur got its statehood in 1972. If this definition is applied then most of the people who are natives of Manipur at the time of its Statehood will not even be considered Manipur People. Also, if the intended target is outsiders, when did the influx of outsiders in huge numbers start? Maybe in the 1980s or 1990s? Why then the cutoff year of 1951?

The Bill is also silent about the procedure to be adopted for determination of Manipur People. It defines Manipur People but is silent about the procedure to determine whether one is a Manipur People or not. It is not clear on whom the onus/burden of proving whether a person is a native of Manipur or not lies? Whether the onus of proof lies with the person or the Government? This is not clear. In the absence of clarity, it is fearful that the onus will lie on the person. And how can a person proof that he is a native of Manipur? Even if my grandfather’s name is there, how can i proof that i am his grandson? All these issues are not clear? The names included in the Registers/Directory mentioned in the definition are not in the public domain and you don’t even know whether you or your father’s or grandfather’s is there in these Registers. You may consider yourself a native of Manipur, having been born and brought up in Manipur and your forefathers have settled in the State even before the State was born, but if your father/grandfather’s name is not registered, you will soon become an outsider, a non-native in your own state.

The Bill creates a new Statutory Body, Directorate of Registration of Non-Manipur Persons and Tenants. But there is no provision for appeal against the decisions of the Director or the Directorate. So, if you are aggrieved with the decision of the Director or other employees, there is nobody to which you can appeal. Rather, Clause 10 provides that no suit, prosecution or other legal proceedings shall lie against any officer of the State Government for anything done in “good faith” under this Act. Here, the word “good faith” is very vague. How can you prove or disprove good faith? Many details have been left out of the bill and more than what is written, what is not written in the Bill may come to haunt us later.

 That the definition of “Manipur People” in this particular Bill will be used in other Acts/Bills to deny services, facilities and amenities to the people of Manipur is clear from the Manipur Land Revenue and Land Reforms (Seventh Amendment) Bill, 2015. Nowhere in the Amendment is Bill of 2015 or in the original Act 1960, the definition of “Manipur People” or “Non-Manipur People” is to be found but the term “Non-Manipur People” is used in the Amendment Bill. It is assumed that the terms “Manipur People” or “Non-Manipur People” are used as defined in the Protection of Manipur People Bill, 2015. The terms should have been defined in the MLR&LR Amendment Bill but is not done so. Similarly, in future laws, these definitions in the Protection of Manipur People Bill, 2015 will be used to deny services, amenities and facilities to the people of Manipur, especially tribal people. It cannot be ruled out that the next time advertisement for jobs are out, it will say that the jobs are applicable to Manipur people as defined in the Protection of Manipur People Act, 2015. In this eventually, you will be denied a state government job if you cannot prove that you are a Manipur People as defined under the Act. Same can be done in the case of admission to schools, colleges or in case of state quota in medical and engineering seats, etc. This will not be problematic for the valley people because this will be applied selectively and whenever it suits the agenda of the valley people. It will be applied on the tribal people to deny them basic facilities, services and amenities as a Manipur citizen.

 The introductory part of the Manipur Land Revenue and Land Reforms (Seventh Amendment) Bill, 2015, which is akin to the “Statement of Objects and Reasons” (SOR) of the Bill speaks about the geographical area of the valley vis-a-vis the hill areas, the difference in population and population density in the valley and hill areas and the pressure on land in the valley areas. If the ILPS agitation is all about the influx of outsiders, the SOR of this Bill which is introduced in the Manipur Assembly pursuant to the agitation for ILPS never once mentioned the influx of outsiders.

Clause 2 of the MLR&LR Amendment Bill inserts new Sections 14A and 14B which provide that allotment of land to non-Manipur persons, firms, institutions or other similar entities will be made only after obtaining approval of the State Cabinet. In other words, if you cannot prove that you are a Manipur Person, you can own land in the valley area only with the approval of the Cabinet, which will never be granted if you are an outsider or a tribal. All efforts will be made to prevent you from owning land in the valley even though you may be a native, Manipur tribal from the hill areas of the State.

Interestingly, the original Manipur Land Revenue and Land Reforms Act, 1960 provides in its “Extent Clause” in Section 1(2) of the Act that it shall extend to the whole of the State of Manipur except the hill areas thereof. However, a proviso was added that the State Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette extend the whole or any part of any section of this Act to any of the hill areas of Manipur also as may be specified in such notification. Similarly, in the “Definition Clause” in Section 2(j) of the Act, it defines “hill areas”as such areas in the hill tracts of the State of Manipur as the State Government may, by notification in the official Gazette, declare to be hill areas”. The implication of these two provisions is that the State Government, by simply issuing a Gazette Notification can include or exclude a specific area or village as hill area. In other words, the State Government can extend the provisions of MLR&LR Act to any place by simply issuing a Gazette Notification. And this is what happens in reality. MLR& LR Act is now applied in what we consider as hill areas like Churachandpur/Lamka town and many adjoining places. The pucca patta or “Jamabandi”which is issued to you when you purchase a land in Lamka town is proof of this. If you see the top right corner, you will see “MLR Form 8 (Rule 57)”written there which means you have acquired land under the MLR&LR Act and that this land is considered to be in the valley area.

Another possible implication of this definition of hill area is indeed very alarming. The tribal people have been clamouring for protection of our land rights and seeking autonomous status like Sixth Schedule or Alternative Arrangement for the protection of our rights like land and customs. Apparently, the Central Government is willing to give Sixth Schedule to the hill/tribal areas but Manipur Government’s stand is that it has to be done “with certain local adjustments”. What i believe and fear is that the State Government would oppose tooth and nail the extension of Sixth Schedule in the hill areas of Manipur and in the event that it is unsuccessful in blocking the same, it will take the stand that the Sixth Schedule should not be extended to the areas where MLR&LR Act is in operation. The State Government or the valley people will argue that these are not hill areas as MLR& MLR Act is in operation in these areas and since MLR&LR Act is applicable only in valley area, these are valley areas. What argument do we have then? The full implication of these laws will then feel like a slap in the face, but maybe it will be too late by then!

 Now is the time, will you just keep silent and look the other way. The silence is so deafening! Call me paranoid or alarmist but I just can’t wish these issues away!

Friday 28 August 2015


Achiesa August nisim 11, 2015 nikhuo in KSO-H Executive Committee in ahung lhung ding 2015-16 sung'a KSO-H lamkai lhen ding thu seikhomna ana kineiyin, anuoiya bang hin phatsah ahitai.
KSO-H in General Election August nisim 28, 2015 nikhuo leh neiding in pha akisa'n, hiche toh kilhon chun Election Commission ding in mi li (4) ana kilhengdoh'e. Election Committee akisiem tah toh kilhon in ahung lhung ding August nisim 26, 2015 sung'a KSO-H lamkai ding'a deilhen ineiho'u anuoiya contact number kipe'a khu sms thot pan thei hiding ahitai. Tuchung election a hi KSO-H a ding'a Key Post 7 a ding member lhen hiding, hiche aki lhengdohho chun amaho kah'a portfolio ana kihomdi'u ahitai. Chule phone number khat akuon'a mi 7 sang'a tamjo nominate bawl phal hilou ding ahi.
Election Committee siemdoh ahitoh kilhon in mopuona zouse KSO-H in Election Commission khut'ah akipedoh tai.
KSO-H lamkai ding'a lamkai pha i-lhendoh theina ding uvin Pathien in chihna eipe tauhen!
1. Pu. Chongroilen Sampar Sampar— 9440000152
2. Pu Ngampu Changsan— 9581111696
3. Pu Haopu Mate— 8297150978
4. Pu Lulun Misao— 8096754716

Tuikhing Khua buanthuak in khawsung zosia chup khum

Thu ki hia te zosia hi taksan lo dia kilawm ngen ei tai. Himaleh magic show le hilo a tak tak hi zel khawvel hi a mak dangdai ta lua tai. Nang imu hal dawk inla la Pathian ko tan!!
JOUMUAL khua kigen mang nailo ah a khua pumpi ah buan in a tawlkhum thu hiat a hi kit tai. Aw Pathian...bang ti a tam??
Tu zing dak 3 vel ah kipat khan Tuikhing Khua, chu a khua sak uh tang ah kipat buanthuak hung luang chun a luankhum a. A hia masaten khua a sam ua ki thial dawk dinga a ki sap nung un, a thei dan dan in a ki tawk dawk ua, himaleh thil tamtak chu a tang den ta a hi. Zingkal dak 6 vela chanchin ki hiat dan a chun a nasa bekset pua, dak 7 a hung git tak a chun chu a khua pum piu tidi hi mai (In 70 vel khua a hia) buanthuak chun a luankhum ta a hi. Dak 8 vel ah kipat khan kuama kihopi thei a um ta puau. Tu mai a khan Changelzawl lam ah kipat thu ki dawn dan chun mi 20 vel athi tau ti thu hiat a hia, bangzat hem a thi tâk uh, bangzat chu buan laka tang den nalai ti hiat a la hi nai puai. Hukdamna nasep ziang le bangti chiapi ding ahem ti ziang le hiat a la hi nai puai. A khuau ah va chia lut theina ding lampi le um ta lo a hia, lampi di a hawl zing lai uh ahi. Pauchap piak hitiu aw??.

: A mun chet hi Chin State Myanmar sunga um, Tahan ah kipat mal (North) lam Letpanchaung leh Tuingo khel deu mal lam mel 10 vela gamla ah um Tuikhing khua chu ahi. A khua galuh lui kamah a ki chawn dawk ua, Phulmawi ah kipat a le va chia lut thei a hi puai. Hukdawkna nasep hile helicopter angai mel hi. In 70 vel a tawl sia ta, mihing tam tak le a chil tha vek hitading in le thu dawn a hi.

Mizoram Presbyterian Church Synod

Mizoram Presbyterian Church Synod

  1. Image result for presbyterian church of india mizoram synod
      Image result for presbyterian church of india mizoram synod

  2. Mizoram Presbyterian Church Synod 
  3. Mizoram Presbyterian Church Synod is the Largest Christian denomination in Mizoram, Northeast India. It was the Calvinistic Methodist Church in Wales of a Direct progeny.Wikipedia 
  4. Address :  Chhinga Vengthlang, Aizawl, Mizoram the 796,007th
  5. Founded :  August 31, the L897th

Mizoram Presbyterian Church  Synod  ( Mizoram Presbyterian Synod Kohhran  in Mizo) is the Largest Christian denomination in Mizoram , Northeast India . ] It was a Direct progeny of the Calvinistic Methodist Church (officially named the Presbyterian Church of Wales in the L928th) in Wales . It was the First Church in Mizoram and is Now One of the constituent bodies of a larger denomination Presbyterian Church of India (PCI), which has its Headquarters in Shillong , Meghalaya . The Administrative body called the Mizoram Synod has its Headquarters at Mission Veng , Aizawl. As the First Church, it Remains the Largest denomination in Mizoram.    
In June 2012 the Mizoram Presbyterian Church in Revoked its Official Partnership with thePresbyterian Church of the USA with whom it formed alliance Since 1999. Executive Committee In its 239th meeting, Mizoram Synod decided that Gay ordination of clergy and Practice of Gay Marriage recently endorsed by the Against North American Church was biblical teachings. 

Origin Edit ]

Mizoram Presbyterian Church was established and founded by Welsh missionaries. Foreign Missionary Society had formed the Welsh Church in 1840th in  Liverpool  to provide Missionaries to India . Chosen for Mizoram, Jones arrived in Aizawl on 31 August 1897. The pioneer Missionaries  FW Savidge  and  JH Lorrain , Commissioned by Arthington Aborigines Mission, welcomed him and prepared him for his mission. The two missionaries had arrived in 1894 and started school, created Mizo script, and prepared grammar and dictionary. Jones stayed with them until the two departed on 31 December 1897 as Arthington Aborigines Mission handed over the mission field to Welsh Mission. On his Birthday on 15 February the 1,898th, Jones opened a SCHOOL at his  Bungalow  which was used Subsequently As a congregational meeting place for worship and Such As  SCHOOLS Sunday . [6]  In August 1897, the Welsh Mission had Arranged a  Khasi  Christian Rai Bahadur and his Family from  Khasi Hills  to help Jones, Therefore the First enlisted members of the Congregation of Consisted in Addition to 6 Khasis Jones and his wife.

Statistics (As Synod on two thousand and fourteen) Edit ]

Statistics (as on Synod 2014)
Ordained Ministers508
Probationary Pastors53
Ordained Elders5010
Families126 955
Communicants405 031
Male members294 968
Female members301 943
Total members596 911

Women Fellowship (Kohhran Hmeichhia) 

Women Fellowship is a fellowship for women under Mizoram Presbyterian Church, and its members are mainly married women. According to the report of General Secretary of Kohhran Hmeichhia, on December 2009, it has 1,43,159 members from 91,423 families.

Kristian Thalai Pawl 

This is a fellowship for the young people in the church and is rightfully named Christian Youth Fellowship (Kristian Thalai pawl). The fellowship has always been and still is a very useful instrument of the Church. The main theme of the fellowship being 'Saved to serve', it has four main objectives. 1) To bring youths to the knowledge and likeness of Christ. 2) To shape youths in becoming faithful instruments of the Church. 3) To fulfill the work and ministry of the Church. 4) To spread the gospel of Jesus Christ. According to the report given in the General conference held during Feb 27-Mar 2, 2014 the KTP (Kristian Thalai Pawl) has 136670 members and 808 branches, and supports more than one thousand missionaries, inside and outside of Mizoram.


Synod Mission Board is the body in charge of the missionary works of the Mizoram Presbyterian Church, within and outside India. It looks after 17 mission fields in India (including Nepal, Home Mission North and South), and sends missionaries to Taiwan, Solomon Islands, Tuvalu, China, Nepal, United Kingdom, Samoa, Madagascar, American Samoa and Kiribati. Under Synod Mission Board, 1,758 workers are working for the Kingdom of God.[1]
Missionary Training College.jpg
Statistics of Synod Mission Fields:
  • Pastorate 94
  • Number of churches 350
  • Number of Branch Churches 502
  • Fellowship 312
  • Members 83,797
  • Elders 514
Synod Mission Board established the Missionary Training Department from 1978. The Objective of this centre is to promote knowledge and understanding of the Bible, Missiology and Theology, growth in Christian discipleship and developing skill for cross cultural ministry. In 1991, a pre-service training for the 'would-be' missionaries was instituted, and has become a one year course, which each missionary of the Church has to go through. This missionary training centre was upgraded in 2010, and it became Missionary Training College, where anyone can study Missiology.
In addition to MTC, to equip missionaries and new believers, Mizoram Synod run many programmes and institutions. Among these, Presbyterian Hindi Bible School is meant to train new believers of Indian and Nepali. Mission Development Training Centre trained missionaries and new believers in the field of agrilculture, carpentry and dairy farming.


The Mizo Synod operates many schools, from primary level to secondary level. Synod Higher Secondary School, Aizawl has a strength of 58 teaching staff and 870 students. 40% of its seats are reserved for students from rural areas. Presbyterian Girls' School is of Middle School level with 32 teaching staff and non-teaching staff and 484 students. Besides, there are 73 schools, run by the Churches with financial grant from the Synod.
ATC, Mizoram.jpg
Aizawl Theological College is the only theological Institution with M.Th. studies in the State and is upgraded to Doctoral studies in 2013. It is affiliated to Serampore College (University) as a graduate and post graduate college. This theological college is founded by the first Presbyterian missionary in Mizoram, Rev. D. E. Jones in 1907, then refounded by J. Meirion Lloyd. The Master of Theology (M. Th) programme in Christian Theology had been introduced since 2002 and M. Th. (New Testament and Missiology) respectively are also being introduced from 2007 academic session. The college plans to add M. Th. studies in other disciplines in the years ahead. The college has already become a local centre for Bachelor of Christian Studies (B.C.S), Diploma in Christian Studies (Dip. C.S.), and Doctor of Ministry (D. Min) programmes of the Senate of Serampore College.
School and Colleges under Presbyterian Church of India, Mizoram Synod:
  • Colleges 2
  • High schools 24
  • Middle schools 113
  • Primary schools 179
  • Teachers/lecturers 1,853
  • Students 34,924

Mizo Sunday School Union[edit]

The Sunday School Ministry of the Mizoram Presbyterian Church is a ministry that puts the Mizoram Church at a very important and outstanding place from all others Churches in India. There are 44,060 Sunday school teachers and 383,888 learners (students).

Healing Ministry[edit]

One of the most important in Christian ministries is Healing Ministry. Every mission and church undertaking healing ministry through miracle and medical sciences. Mizoram Presbyterian Church's also taking step in the field of healing ministry. Durtlang Hospital operated by Synod is one of the pioneer medical centres in Mizoram, founded by Welsh missionaries. Besides, it has dispensaries and health centres in rural areas, and clinics inside Aizawl City.
  • Hospital 2
  • Dispensary & Health Centre 64
  • Doctors 32
  • Nurses 246


  • National Council of Churches in India (NCCI) : A member.
  • World Council of Churches (WCC) - a member.
  • World Alliance of Reformed Churches - a member.
  • Maraland Presbyterian Church is an affiliated church under Mizoram Presbyterian Church.

KA Gospel Column


TUNI LHAGAO ANPHAA (Thursday, 02/06/2016) -------------------------- Galatia 5:25 "Eiho Lhagaova hinga ihiule lhagao in ...

3 Bills ziak ah Kuki leh Naga ding khawm leu hin, i demand uh i mu thei diam uh?