Wednesday 23 September 2015

Hurray! 7th Pay Commission's report to be implemented on 01.01.2016




Lamka, Sep 22: Four NPF MLAs who tendered their resignation over the three ‘anti-tribal’ Bills passed by the State Assembly today offered tributes to the nine martyrs here and requested other tribal MLAs too to follow their footsteps saying they should be able to fathom the sentiments of the tribal people of the State.
The three anti-tribal Bills are passed in haste with a clear ploy to avoid any discussion and disturbances by flouting standing norms and procedure. It is with the intention of defending the inalienable tribal land that NPF MLAs have tendered their resignations, said Awangbou Newmai, the president of NPF Manipur.
The NPF leader who addressed the press alongside the four MLAs has said the party is unhappy at the way the State Government of Manipur is looking at the present crisis.
Instead of trying to understand the whole issue and addressing them efficiently, they kept condemning the people. The Government has been claiming that there is a hidden agenda behind the present movement but nothing is hidden, the agenda is being shown. "We don’t want these Bills, and we want the tribal rights and land be safeguarded. It is starkly evident," said Newmai, and questioned the agenda of those defending the Bills.
Taking a dig at the Deputy Chief Minister for using the term ‘black sheep’ to refer the tribal people, Awangbou wanted to know exactly whom he (the Dy CM) was referring to – the protesters or the nine martyrs.
The NPF has insisted that the State Government stop pursuing tribal student leaders who are championing the causes of the tribal and to stop sending commandos after them as if they are criminals. If any warrant has been issued by the State for their arrest, that should immediately be withdrawn as the tribal will not encroach upon the rights and land of other communities, he added.
He also called upon the tribal MLAs to try to understand and share the sentiments of the people and to tender their resignation.

MHA akon Ashok PRASAD in Kukite boinaho velhadia ahungkalsona limho

Janhi September 22,2015 CCPUR PUBLIC Ground munna MHA akon Ashok PRASAD in Kukite boinaho velhadia ahungkalsona limho.

Saturday 5 September 2015

जमीन की चंद लकीरों ने इंसान को हैवान बना दिया Its really heartbreaking....

There are approximately 4 million Syrians who are now trying to escape death in Syria. Many are stranded, lost, suffering or already dead. These are called "War Refugees" not "Migrants". Thousands are already living below poverty line in camps and tents in Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey, and Greece, and thousands are trying to reach Europe because thats their last hope. They are not after your tax money or your jobs, they are after rescuing their children and families from eminent death.
Many boats have drowned taking with them thousands of refugees who im sure they are in a better place…
From the photos posted these are very few stories of what these refugees are suffering from:
After their boat drowned, a mother was trying to hold her few months old baby above the sea so he doesnt drown while waiting for help or trying to swim to save herself, but the strong waves managed to take her baby away from her hands, and she never saw him again.
A father of two selling pens in the streets just to feed his family. He cant get a job because he isnt "legal", yet he has enough dignity not to beg.
A truck in Hungary was found with around 71 cramped dead bodies of Syrian refugees who were trying to cross the borders.. they died from suffocation after the drivers abandoned the truck and ran away from the police. No one heard them screaming or banging on the doors. They died silently.
A young family trying to get into the borders of a country when the police caught them to send them back to hell. The looks on their faces just say it all.
Millions shared posts and signed petitions when Cecil the lion was killed to raise awareness and for governments to take actions…it was international news everywhere for days, even celebrities were condemning the issue and posting it on all their social media..etc. I agree its sad and I condemn it too and awareness and action is needed. But to see the reactions you get from killing one lion and the reactions you (dont) get from thousands of syrians dying and millions stranded makes you lose faith in humanity…
Stand up for them, stand up for humanity, and stand up against your politicians and stop calling them migrants..your ancestors were immigrants themselves after the colonizations in World war I & II. Migrants are looking for economical well being, however refugees are looking for survival, to be able to protect their children from death and rape and torture! There is a huge difference between these two! Put yourselves in their shoes and think about it. Imagine these were your children, nephews, relatives…etc.
What did these little innocent souls do to deserve this?
They are humans, and we live on one planet.
Over 84% of Syrian refugee families in Jordan live outside camps and they are struggling to pay for the very basic life essentials including food and healthcare, for anyone who would like to sponsor a family for a week/month/year or just make a donation, you can do it through this link:
You can also sponsor the treatment for 2 syrian kids who lost their legs due to bombing of their home in Syria:…
More links to organisations who help Syrian children:…/refugee-crisis-how-you-can-help-syri…

Wednesday 2 September 2015


# VoiceFromMizoram
1. Manipur Congress Sorkarin Manipura kan Mizo
hnahthlak tlang mite tana himlo ‘The Manipur
People Protection Act 2015’ Assembly a an
Passed mai hi thalo kan ti hle.
2. He thil thleng do tura Manipur Mizo hnahthlak
hnam peng hrang hrang te an lungrual hi
lawmawm kan ti hle.
3. Manipur Congress Sorkar hian heng Mizo
hnahthlakte chimral zawnga hma ala zui zel a nih
chuan Mizoram mipuite hian kut kuangkuahin kan
thlir liam mai mai dawn lo a ni.
4. Manipur Mizo hnahthlakte zinga nunna chanta
te kan sun takmeuh a, In leh lo leh bungraw
chantu te pawh kan tawrhpui tak zet zet a ni.

Publicity Deptt.,
MNYF Hqrs. Aizawl.
Memo No. MNYF/Pub/2015/45 Dated, Aizawl the
2nd September,2015
General Secretary
Publicity Deptt.,
MNYF Hqrs. Aizawl.

Ni 01 / 09 / 2015-a ZORO Gen. Hqtrs. Executive
Emergency Meeting chuan Dt. 31. 8. 2015
(Monday) a Manipur State Assembly Special
Session-in 'The Manipur Land Revenue & Land
Reforms Act' an passed ta mai khan min
barakhaih hle a. 'The Manipur Land Revenue &
Land Reforms Act' hian Manipur chhunga
Indigenous peoples-te chanvo chhuhsak tumna a
nih avangin tha lo kan ti hle a, sût leh ngei turin
kan phut a ni. (UN Declaration on the Rights of
the Indigenous People Article 26, 1& 2 dung

Tuesday 1 September 2015

Speech delivered by Pu PS Haokip, President KNO on an emergency Meeting with KNO, ZRO, HPC (D) & Frontal Organisation such as Zomi Council, Kuki Inpi Churachandpur, Hmar Inpui, Mizo People Council, Simte Tribe Union, Gangte Tribe Union, Hmar Youth Association, Kuki Khanglai Lompi, Zomi Youth Association, Young Mizo Association, KSO Churachandpur, Hmar Student Association, YMA, CoPTAM, KSDC etc. on 1st September, 2015 at Simte Youth Organisation Hall, Simveng Churachandpur.

Speech delivered by Pu PS Haokip, President KNO on an emergency Meeting with KNO, ZRO, HPC (D) & Frontal Organisation such as Zomi Council, Kuki Inpi Churachandpur, Hmar Inpui, Mizo People Council, Simte Tribe Union, Gangte Tribe Union, Hmar Youth Association, Kuki Khanglai Lompi, Zomi Youth Association, Young Mizo Association, KSO Churachandpur, Hmar Student Association, YMA, CoPTAM, KSDC etc. on 1st September, 2015 at Simte Youth Organisation Hall, Simveng Churachandpur.

My beloved people
I give you my highest respect! I also give my great respect to our respected young martyrs Gollhang H. Paulianmang of Dorcas Veng, Gollhang Pausuanlian, of Vengnuam, Gollhang Thangzalian of Hiangtam Lamka, Gollhang Nehlalsoun Belam Veng and Gollhang Enkhenkhup, of Gouchinkhup Veng. I extend my deepest condolences to the bereaved families. I am sure their sacrifices will never go in vain, for we the people will not allow them to have died in vain. I also give my great respect to the many wounded defenders of our land and all the brave volunteers who had expressed their intolerance of any compromise on our rights to our land.

Sopiteho, today, let us reason together. Let us ask ourselves what we need to do to salvage our right as a people and our rights over our land. Do we still squabble and find our petty reasons to be disunited? Or do we come together forgiving each other of past mistakes and join hands to fight for our rights to our own land and government to be recognized. You the people, I am elated to note, have shown the way.

You have made great political statements. You have affirmed our oneness as a people, sharing common threats and common future.

Our lands were never a part of Manipur Kingdom. The Maharaja of Manipur had ceded his 700 odd square miles of territory to the Indian state. The British had placed our lands under a separate administrative arrangement recognizing our rights and our needs as a people. Even Independent India had made provisions for protection of our land and people. But these have been proved inadequate.

We have been targeted with neglect and discrimination. All funds meant for our development have either been diverted or misappropriated by the Meitei majority and their clones. For all these years, we have suffered injustice and now it has become intolerable. Not satisfied with depriving us of our developmental rights, they are now planning to snatch our land by calling us foreigners.

They arbitrarily have passed a bill which will uproot those of us whose villages were not in their records since 1951. I am telling them today, and I want us to tell them that we dont need them to record that we lived in our lands much before their government intruded onto our lands.

This government and their militants are but hand in glove. In their grand design to grab our land, they violated our territories, raped our women, used our helpless as forced labour, planted landmines in our land, and set up terror camps within our territories. They use tear gas rubber bullets to disperse protesters in the valley, but real bullets and grenades when we protest. They targeted our vehicles during their hartals while letting valley vehicles pass.

Brothers, it is time we realize that we can no longer be under one roof with this monster majority community. We need our own government over our land and people. United, we can achieve it.

It is time we pool all our resources together. The representatives we sent to their Assembly must resign forthwith. If it is proven they betrayed our land, we will not allow them to be public life anymore. It is time to unite under one identity, have one army and strive for our right. I urge my fellow comrades in arm in the UPF and KNO that we must sit down and unite, and I urge the people to rise up in demanding for a separate stateZogam or per your wishes.
God Bless our UnityGod Bless Zale’n-gam/Zogam!!

-PS Haokip

KA Gospel Column


TUNI LHAGAO ANPHAA (Thursday, 02/06/2016) -------------------------- Galatia 5:25 "Eiho Lhagaova hinga ihiule lhagao in ...

3 Bills ziak ah Kuki leh Naga ding khawm leu hin, i demand uh i mu thei diam uh?